

Downheel from There…

When August rolls around I can’t help but think about the funniest first day of school ever!!When we cleaned out Mom’s house, I picked out several pairs of her shoes… she always loved shoes and so do I! JT rolled his eyes when I came in with a “few” pairs because I have tons! (Mom…

Godly Gals

I love these verses!  I was just reading a devotional about how the Israelites limited God by not remembering His power (Psalm 78:1) And my devotional went on to say that we limit God when we do the same by failing to recognize and use the gifts God gives us for His glory! He gives…

Off the Grid

These summer days have been jampacked activities with the kids. The pool was full of friends and kiddos as they try to cram every last ounce of fun in before school starts.  Summers go by so fast, especially if you’re a teacher. Some of my friends went back yesterday and some today. 😢 A young…

Growing Strong

My husband and I planted this maple tree for my sixtieth birthday. After seeing many sugar maples in our area die over the years, I consulted with a landscaper to find the best variety for our area. I’ve enjoyed watching it grow over the past two and a half years. It’s grown at a rapid…

Celebrate each day…

Happy 43rd to us! Reflections on that time and beyond… We got married in a fever, the hottest day of the drought ~ Pretty sure it hit 102 degrees that day. It was so hot that the icing on the cakes started melting because our reception was outside at my family home! The groomsmen put…

The “AND” Life

It took me a long time to realize the truth:  Creativity doesn’t always have an ‘on’ switch… nor does productivity! 😬 You just have to jump in and do stuff!  I have so many things I want to do, to write, to paint. I keep lists of them in my phone and sometimes it’s a…

A New Leaf

I’ve been carefully watching this limb on a pecan tree in our yard since an ice storm cause the limb to break a few years ago. Thankfully it’s been supported by lower limbs or it probably would’ve come crashing to the ground. I’m always excited to see new leaves and new growth springing forth. The…


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