More like Dolly

Dolly in 1975

Happy 76th, Dolly! 🥳!
I have to admit when I was a teenager and saw Dolly on a visit to Nashville, I had no clue who she was.

I said, “Who is that with the BIG …. HAIR? 😅

As a teen, I thought she was pretty tacky and country wasn’t cool !

Teens can be pretty fickle & judgmental about what’s tacky, cool or not cool, can’t they? (I’m picturing mom jeans, right now 😉) Adults too. 😬

Fast forward to now: Dolly’s proved herself to be a talented, smart, savvy woman with a heart as BIG …. As her hair! 😍

There’s a lesson to be learned here for us all.

When I walked into the Graduate Hotel in Nashville, I looked down and saw the words: We are all students ~ Dolly

That’s so true and the hotel is a fun tribute to her unique style.

Each of us has different talents, gifts and contributions to make in life.

Instead of trying to decide what’s tacky, cool, beautiful, ugly, etc. could we focus on someone’s heart, talents, gifts and contributions?

Could we learn to appreciate people who are different from us?

Could we learn to treat others with a little kindness and dignity ?

Could we be a little more like Dolly?

I know I want to try. Maybe not the big um… hair, but her big heart, definitely!

Published by dinahsdabblings

Hey ! Let me introduce myself. I'm a passionate soul who loves life ! My dabblings are many but I focus on FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS, FOOD and FUN ! Those are the things I'll be sharing about in this blog. I'm hoping you will get some value here and find things that will improve your life and outlook. I'm here to help others find a way to live a healthier, more satisfying life and love the skin they're in. If that's interesting to you, lets connect.

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