You really are what you eat…

Who would have ever thought that the most frequently asked question in our day-to-day lives would be “What’s for Supper?”

When you go shopping be mindful of what you put in your cart.

Take a REALLY good look at WHAT you are FEEDING YOURSELF and those YOU LOVE…the battle for YOUR HEALTH begins right there.
In the grocery store.

How can you WIN that Battle?

Here’s my Strategy. I started doing this when I was in 9th grade and was at my highest weight ever (including my pregnancy).

I plan out our meals for the week. Alternate and rotate chicken, fish, red meat, pork, and seafood dishes, including LOTS of FRESH COLORFUL PRODUCE that make up at least 2/3 of your plate! Shoot for low-carb recipes and ones that don’t include fattening sauces. I rotate some of our faves every month, adding in a few new recipes from Pinterest occasionally. (Who doesn’t LOVE Pinterest for recipes?)

Make a grocery list and start shopping in the produce section, then go to the meat and dairy section. Shop the perimeter of the store first and fill your cart with these choices. Frozen foods are next, canned and packaged foods should be last, skipping the convenience meals that are full of salt as much as possible.

Fight the urge to fill your cart with empty carbs and calories.
YOUR LIFE and HEALTH MATTERS! Sounds extreme I know, but 80% of health problems CAN be eliminated by just taking care of YOU and Making Better Choices in WHAT WE EAT!!!

I’ve been asked for recipes and meal ideas so I’m going to share some quick, nutritious and economical ideas.

Here’s a favorite of ours that we had last night. We have been eating this recipe for our (almost) 40 years as a married couple on a regular basis! It was a go-to when we were dirt-poor during my senior year of college and struggling because I had to quit my job to finish.

(This is a GREAT Recipe from Southern-Living and I don’t really like canned tuna !!)

Tuna on Toast

2 cans of tuna (packed in water), drained

1/2 tomato, chopped

1/2 bell pepper, chopped

chopped onion if desired

2 boiled eggs, chopped

Toss together in a the top of a double boiler pot with a little lemon juice, Worcestershire, salt and pepper. Fill the bottom of the pot with enough water to steam the mixture for about 10-12 minutes. Serve open-faced on wheat toast and top with a little thousand island dressing or French dressing. You can accompany it with a vegetable or fruit salad. YUMMY & Light!!

Here’s my favorite salad too 🙂

Crunchy Romaine Toss

1 cup chopped nuts

1 pkg. Ramen noodles, broken

1 bunch broccoli, chopped

1 head Romaine or loose-leaf lettuce, torn

4 green onions

vinaigrette dressing

Brown nuts and noodles in oven or on stovetop in a pan sprayed with cooking spray, cool on paper towels. Combine chopped onions, broccoli and torn lettuce. Toss. Serve salad topped with dressing and crunchies. Enjoy !


#eatfortheHEALTHofit 💃🏻 #GetCommentsOnMyshoppingcart #EVERYTIME #Yes #I #LOVE #To #Eat #This #Way

Published by dinahsdabblings

Hey ! Let me introduce myself. I'm a passionate soul who loves life ! My dabblings are many but I focus on FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS, FOOD and FUN ! Those are the things I'll be sharing about in this blog. I'm hoping you will get some value here and find things that will improve your life and outlook. I'm here to help others find a way to live a healthier, more satisfying life and love the skin they're in. If that's interesting to you, lets connect.

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